Monday, 21 September 2015

Interviewed by Don Cook by CJOB Radio today for a 3 min spot on the work at Mona Lisa which is great, it will bring more beneficial attention to the cause of homelessness and the effort to sell some pieces.  

Sunday, 20 September 2015

I love the subtlety of "Curved Space"...

Seen here with "Cortus" Latin for "arising", "coming into being, birth", originating." 5' X 3' and acrylic on canvas.  

With "Ethical Axis" the depth and colours.  

New Pieces on display and for sale at the Mona Lisa Resterante on Corydon.  

Installed (15 abstract pieces) at Mona Lisa Restorante on Corydon today -Thank you Guliana Grande  (!), Lisa Thibeault my sweetheart and old gymnast buddy Matt Grapentine for helping put them all up.  They range in price from $200.00 to $900.00 and im donating proceeds to the Downtown Biz CEO Sleepout effort that i cant be a part of because of my hernia operation Thursday (same day as the CEO Sleepout).  So i thought how can i be part of that effort?  Simple! I just happen to have my work on display till the end of Oct so this could help if i make a few sales.  I'll be at the Mona Lisa "Cantena" (lounge) Oct 2nd and Oct 9th 7-9 pm to meet with any people who would like to ask me questions about the work and i'll have many paper pieces ($50-$200.00) on hand for sale as well.